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Kim Kardashian Spoke About Teen Pregnancy

Kim Kardashian spoke out yesterday about how teen pregnancy cooler than one of those dancing dandelions that has sunglasses on. Responding to the news that 90 girls at a Tennessee high school are pregnant or have had babies in the last year, she wrote on her blog that MTV's Teen Mom is to blame for glorifying teen pregnancy.

She said, "When I think back to when I was 16, there was no way I would have even considered having a baby. The Thought wouldn't even have entered my head...having a baby so young shouldn't be seen a the trendy thing to do. Girls, please think very carefully before you make these kinds of decisions." Amber Portwood, star of Teen Mom and the Madison County jail, responded, "last time I checked, Kim Kardashian has a sex tape." Ohhh girl, you do gots a sex tape. - Celebitchy

The Enquirer is accusing Todd Palin of having an affair with Shailey Tripp, a masseuse in Alaska that was arrested last year for prostitution. - Enquirer

Here's Kelly Preston talking about what it means to give birth to someone, "silently." - Gawker
Denise Richards is "learning how to deal with" Charlie Sheen. She says over the last two years, the two of them have been in such a better place than they have previously, and she thought it was great that they could all go out to dinner and travel together during their trip to NYC (which is when the hooker and chandelier thing happened at the Plaza). She says that the "events" that took place after their dinner, however, were "you know...difficult." -US


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